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  • VivaArmatura

    Bioferite armor and sword.
    the cube now does damage!...

  • No More Bandages

    Gets rid of the fugly white blobs that are supposed to represent bandages being applied when you're healing. Yes, that's not a texture
    glitch, they're meant to be there for some reason.

    Currently 1.4 but unless Tyran removes bandages it should be valid forever.

    I did not post this on the Workshop because I am a weak woman and if I
    enable devmode I'm never turning it off again.. If you see it on Steam,
    somebody stole it and if you did steal it I added a little thing that
    lets me identify it....

  • Usage

    This is how you can use the RimworldModTool to make your own Rimworld Mods.

    0.) Generate a Preset from an existing Rimworld XML file  (You can skip this step if you have a preset, currently only works on ThingDef tags.)

    1.) open the program and load your preset into the program

    2.)use the buttons to modify the exact details of the program in any way you deem necessary 

    3.)Export your def (Naming it) and copy paste it back into your mods project folder.

    It really is that simple!...

  • Portraits of the Rim by twopennydoodle


    Welcome to Portraits of the Rim, a dynamic portrait generation mod!

    Penny Painter has one humble goal - to paint every face on the Rim. In order to accomplish this seemingly impossible task, 4000+ assets have been drawn (650+ are unique faces based on gender, age, and traits), placed over 30+ layers compiled for your viewing pleasure. Even without clothing, scars, or hair and just using baseliners, the mod creates 26,400 unique pawns. With hair, clothing, injuries and augments, you'll be hard-pressed to find a repeat portrait without trying.

    Located as a picture in the Gear tab, Portraits of the Rim showcases the stories of your colonists starting from age 7. It's dynamic, meaning that as your colonists age, get injured and augmented, change their...

  • Added mode AllVanillaArmorRetexture

    Added mode AllVanillaArmorRetexture...

  • Regarding older versions

    Older versions are now archived, should still be downloadable for those that want them, but i won't be maintaining them anymore.

    ~ General M-13...

  • Regarding older versions

    Older versions are now archived, should still be downloadable for those that want them, but i won't be maintaining them anymore.

    ~ General M-13...

  • Regarding older versions

    Older versions are now archived, should still be downloadable for those that want them, but i won't be maintaining them anymore.

    ~ General M-13...

  • Regarding older versions

    Older versions are now archived, should still be downloadable for those that want them, but i won't be maintaining them anymore.

    ~ General M-13...

  • Regarding older versions

    Older versions are now archived, should still be downloadable for those that want them, but i won't be maintaining them anymore.

    ~ General M-13...

  • Regarding older versions

    Older versions are now archived, should still be downloadable for those that want them, but i won't be maintaining them anymore.

    ~ General M-13...

  • Regarding older versions

    Older versions are now archived, should still be downloadable for those that want them, but i won't be maintaining them anymore.

    ~ General M-13...

  • -ISA-Insectoids_Addons

    # -ISA-Insectoids_Addons
    This mod depend on vanilla expanded framework; it has compatibility patch with Vanilla Faction Expanded Insectoids
    (mod used in the preview are Vanilla Faction Expanded Insectoids and Vanilla expanded props and decor)
    mod with better insectoids and more:
    - Buildable hives ✔
    - Insectoids products ✔
    - every bug has Disease Immunity and stats boost ✔
    - new traders ✔
    - new megascarab ✔
    - new spelopede ✔
    - new megaspider ✔...

  • Power and Ability

    This is probably the Final update… I’ve added a bunch of New stuff, besides the OLD stuff written below. It’s now compatible with Biotech, or Rimworld version 1.4, while still being usable in 1.3.

    If you want a list of all the stuff I’ve added since my last update, check the MyBugFixes.txt file for an extended list. Good luck out there on the Rim folks!

    Here's a list of the things this mod does (OLD):

    1. Adds the ability to craft Vanometric Power Cell Replica's. The total resource cost is equal to building half of a ship's engine. The market cost is half of it's original model, and it output's half the power. Requires the research "Fabrication" to build yourself. "Please don't blow up. Please don't blow up... YES! It works!!!" - Anon

  • Mo drug

    ajoute des drug...

  • FemaleBB BodyType for Human

    Allow Human to have "FemaleBB" Body Type...

  • FemaleBB BodyType Support

    This mod contains codes and apparel textures supporting FemaleBB body type which was originally Kijin race body.

    Any Race that uses FemaleBB BodyType will wear textures included in this mod, if not they will wear normal female cloth by default.

    Some helms may look different on FemaleBB bodytyped races as well. It is best to recommend to use Show Hair With Hats or Hide All Hats - 1.0

    This mod isn't compatible with character editor. Character editor will say no texture, but pawn can actually wear it no problem.

    Supported apparels are following.

    Vanilla Clothing
    Call of Cthulhu - Cult
    Medieval Times
    Combat Extended
    A Rimworld of Magic
    Maid Project

  • Rimworld Bepsi

    Bepsi has come to rimworld!...

  • No Water No Life PL

    Spolszczony mod "No Water, No Life" dodaje nowy rodzaj niezbędnego pożywienia, wody, która jest traktowana osobno niż posiłek stały. Teraz aby przetrwać trzeba nie tylko jeść, ale i pić wodę. Wodę można czerpać bezpośrednio z rzeki, morza, sadzawki czy jeziora, a potem ją filtrować (odsalać w przypadku wody słonej). Czerpać wodę można także budując studnie, pobierając wodę spod ziemi, której zasoby są ograniczone. Teraz będzie można budować sieć wodociągów (na wzór sieci elektrycznej), aby woda była dostarczana bezpośrednio do bazy, która swe ujście znajdzie w kranie....